Chamli Land is a 2D-animated series using cut-out technique produced by Motion and Potion Animation Studio. It’s a 52-episode series combining adventure, drama, and family. Each episode is 7 minutes long and was designed with a target audience of 5 years and older in mind.

Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio


It tells the story of 5 adventurous baby dinosaurs who live on islands placed on top of their parent’s backs. Each family member has a superpower, they can use by uttering the word “Chamli”. These fantasy powers include bubbles, thunder and lightning, smoke, snow and ice, wind, fog, and rainbows.

A unique feature of Chamli Land is its environment design. The islands on Dinamama’s and Dinapapa’s backs that act as exciting caravan houses in the middle of the ocean.

Production Steps

With tremendous dedication and artistic prowess, the entire production process, including pre-production, production, and post-production, has been crafted and mastered by the brilliant minds at Motion and Potion Animation Studio!
Our team brought the captivating world of Chamli Land to life. Where adventure, drama, and family thrive in perfect harmony.

Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio concept
Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio concept
Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio character design
Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio character design
Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio character design
Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio character design
Chamli Land 2D Animation by Motion and Potion Animation Studio character design
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