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Chamli Land


Chamli Land is a captivating 2D-animated series produced by Motion and Potion Animation Studio. The series, which uses a cut-out animation technique, consists of 52 episodes, each lasting 7 minutes. It is designed for children aged 5 and older, blending adventure, drama, and family themes. The story revolves around five adventurous baby dinosaurs who live on islands situated on their parents’ backs. Each family member possesses a unique superpower activated by the word “Chamli,” with powers ranging from bubbles and thunder to snow and rainbows.

The series stands out for its imaginative environment design, featuring islands on the backs of Dinamama and Dinapapa that serve as exciting caravan houses in the ocean. This unique setting provides a rich backdrop for the dinosaurs’ adventures and family dynamics. The creative team at Motion and Potion Animation Studio has meticulously crafted every aspect of the production, from pre-production to post-production, ensuring a high-quality viewing experience.

Overall, Chamli Land is a testament to the studio’s dedication and artistic prowess. The series not only entertains but also fosters a sense of wonder and imagination in its young audience. With its engaging storyline and vibrant animation, Chamli Land is a delightful addition to the world of children’s entertainment.