3D Animation

Join us on this magical adventure, let Motion and Potion inspire your animated dreams, and Unleash the Power of 3D Animation!

Get in touch with us right away and let’s work together to produce something truly incredible‍.

3D Animation Use Cases



With it’s endless potential for entertainment, 3D animation captivates audiences of all ages with its vibrant pictures, imaginative characters, and fascinating narrative. Whether it’s a TV show, an animated movie, or a web series, 2D animation is always a fun direction to give your audience an enjoyable experience.

Product Design


3D animation is essential for the creation of virtual prototypes and models in product design. Before moving to physical manufacturing, it enables the evaluation of form, function, and aesthetics, helping designers in perfecting their designs. This leads to a more effective design process and saves you tons of time and resources.

Advertising and Marketing


3D animation is a powerful tool for advertising and marketing efforts. It helps marketers produce visually appealing and memorable content by showing products from various perspectives, highlighting their features, and telling captivating stories about them. Brands can stand out and engage with their target audience through 3D animation’s capacity to provide realistic visuals and fascinating imagery.

Our process is easy peasy

First things first, ideas turn into a script!

Concepts are the initial designs. Our concepts for different characters and environments are mapped out before the results are designed and brought to life

This is when the script is planned using a sequence of drawings and pictures.

This is the Animatic of the video, made out of simple drafts.

This is where your character and environment concepts become 3D models

The designs that were created then go through the process of rigging and are brought to life when they are animated.

A series of everything that was created previously turns into a series of individual frames that make up the animated film. 

Why Motion and Potion Animation Studio?

Why Motion and Potion Animation Studio?



In the world of animation, the only limit is one’s imagination. We tackle each project with the proper perspective and breathe life into stories.



Each project is unique. Motion and Potion offers customized animation solutions that align with your vision, target audience, and budget, and ensure that you receive a product that is made just for you.



We believe in constant interactions and collaboration. Throughout every step of the creative process, your input is valued to ensure transparency and peace of mind.



We are motivated by an ambition to bring about experiences that are both captivating and highly effective.

And our Production is lemon squeezy!

And our Production is lemon squeezy!


1. Concept Development

2. Scriptwriting

3. Storyboarding

4. Character Design

5. Environment and Prop Design

6. Animatic


1. Modeling

2. Texturing

3. Animation

4. Lighting

5. Rendering Clean-Up


1. Compositing

2. Sound Design

3. Color Grading

4. Final Output

Are you an animation studio like us?

Two heads are better than one!
Reach out now to explore
collaboration options.


It completely depends on the style and length of your project. One minute of 2D animation takes up to 2 weeks to make and one minute of 3D production takes up to 3 to 4 weeks to make.

There are as many solutions as there are businesses! No one style is necessarily superior to another. It depends on your brand, audience, niche, and message. If you’re lost in the vast world of animated videos and don’t know which to choose, you can contact us and we will discuss your goals and ideas and the best way to bring them to the screens.

Generally, people tend to watch videos rather than read texts. And videos get shared more compared to other forms of content. Compared to live-action videos, animated videos are more cost-efficient and economic too.

With one click! Fill out this page form at the top, we’ll get back to you quickly.

Of course, If you send us a script, we’ll look it over and offer you feedback on how well it fits the goals you have in mind. If you have an idea, just share it with us and we’ll write the best script, representing your idea properly.

Style, run-time/length, and deadlines (how quickly you need it done) are just a few of the many variables that affect our service prices.