Chamli Land


In the enchanting world of Chamli Land, a secret lies hidden on the backs of two mysterious giants known as Dinamama and Dinapapa. This 2D-animated series by Motion and Potion Animation Studio follows the journeys of five young dinosaurs, each possessing a power so extraordinary it can only be unlocked by a single, magical word: “Chamli.” With each episode, the young dinosaurs discover new powers—from summoning bubbles and thunder to weaving rainbows—yet each discovery raises new questions: What ancient secrets do the islands hold? And why have these powers chosen this family alone?

The islands, floating as living homes across a vast ocean, hold wonders and mysteries beyond the dinosaurs’ imaginations. Together, these young adventurers must unravel the secrets of Chamli Land, where family, courage, and loyalty will be tested, and where every adventure may reveal another piece of the ancient mystery surrounding their world.

With cut-out animation and richly designed landscapes, Chamli Land takes young viewers on a captivating journey where every step could uncover a new power—and a new question. Join them, if you dare, as they unlock mysteries, powers, and the true magic of family bonds.

Highlights of Chamli Land

  • Adventure & Heart: Through action-packed episodes, Chamli Land brings together excitement and family themes that kids love and relate to.
  • Unique Setting: Explore a world where islands float on Dinamama and Dinapapa’s backs, blending family, home, and the open ocean in one magical journey.
  • Power of “Chamli”: Each dinosaur has a superpower—from bubbles to rainbows—activated by saying “Chamli,” making every episode a thrilling mix of fun and discovery.
  • Creative Excellence: Every scene is crafted with precision, showcasing Motion and Potion’s commitment to detailed, high-quality animation.
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13 x 7′


10 Months

Production Duration


Released Date

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