
In the delightful and unpredictable world of Biadada Biarada, vacation plans take a wild turn! Produced by Motion and Potion Animation Studio and streamed on Turkey’s Minika TV channel, this animated series follows Kapar, a playful monkey who accidentally leads a group of adorable animal friends to an island inhabited by three grumpy locals. The islanders are not thrilled to see these unexpected guests and are set on sending them away. But as humorous mishaps pile up, something unexpected happens: friendships blossom, and an agreement to coexist emerges.

With lively animation, heartwarming storylines, and unforgettable characters, Biadada Biarada is a celebration of humor, friendship, and embracing differences. The series invites audiences of all ages to join this lovable cast on a journey of discovery and laughter, proving that sometimes the best adventures are the ones you never planned.


  • Brought to Life by Motion and Potion: Produced with creative expertise by Motion and Potion Animation Studio, this series showcases high-quality animation and captivating storytelling.
  • Broadcast on Minika TV: Streamed on Minika, a popular Turkish children’s channel, Biadada Biarada has reached young audiences nationwide, adding to its appeal.
  • Lovable Characters and Friendships: Led by Kapar, the quirky monkey, the animals bring chaos, laughter, and eventually camaraderie to the island.
  • Hilarious Island Mishaps: The series is packed with funny and heartwarming moments as animals and islanders navigate life together, celebrating tolerance and friendship.
  • Colorful and Engaging Visuals: The animation style is lively and vibrant, bringing the island and its characters to life in a way that keeps viewers of all ages engaged.
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26 x 11′


9 Months

Production Duration


Released Date

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