
In the action-packed world of AFAD-R, a specialized relief force stands ready to battle the forces of environmental destruction. Created by Motion and Potion Animation Studio for Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), this 2D animated series follows the courageous AFAD-R team as they take on the notorious villain Mr. Z, whose actions wreak havoc through floods, air pollution, and ecosystem disruption. Each episode brings thrilling confrontations with Mr. Z while teaching viewers essential knowledge about disaster preparedness and response.

The AFAD-R team’s mission goes beyond action—they’re here to educate. Through engaging characters and exciting storylines, viewers of all ages learn vital strategies for handling emergencies, from natural disasters to environmental crises. Vibrant visuals, relatable characters, and expertly crafted narratives make AFAD-R not only a source of entertainment but a valuable resource for building public awareness. The series empowers viewers to stay prepared, reinforcing AFAD’s mission to protect and serve.

Highlights of AFAD-R

  • Educational and Entertaining: Each episode teaches viewers about different types of disasters and response actions, blending action with crucial educational content.
  • Relatable Heroes: The AFAD-R team consists of engaging, relatable characters designed to inspire viewers, especially young audiences, to learn about disaster preparedness.
  • Environmental Themes: Villain Mr. Z represents real environmental challenges, making topics like floods, pollution, and ecosystem protection accessible and engaging.
  • Interactive Learning: Supplementary materials, including games and quizzes, are available on the studio’s website, offering an immersive and interactive way to reinforce the lessons.
  • Positive Impact: Praised by educators and parents, AFAD-R has successfully raised awareness about disaster management, serving as a vital tool for public education and safety.
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4 x 13′


7 Months

Production Duration


Released Date

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